Saturday, 20 October 2007

So So Sad

Sad news guyz. I have tried to find the baby sex since the past few days, But I couldn't find any doctor, hospital or clinic that allows to find the sex of the baby. Everyone said it's Strictly prohibited. I told them tat it only applies for Indians, but no one agreed... wat to do dho.

I asked them why its not allowed by the government... and they told me tat most of the Indians don't want to have girls, because wen their girls grow up their parents are not able to meet with the expense for the girls wedding and so and so , And if they know its a girl , some people had gone for an abortion, and sometimes the husband and husbands family has killed the women pregnant. This is really very cruel dho.

I wish to go to Male' and find the sex of the baby, but they wont let me travel now. I belive it's not safe, But I really want to know it.... Now I have to buy baby Items after the baby borns, I really wanted it to be perfect,But now It's so difficult. I have to buy White, green, yellow Items tat suits both sex ... Blue or pink kulaige loabi echeves den nuganevayne... So now I had to wait till the baby is born to know the sex... It's going to be a surprise for us too.

Hey I forgot to tell you guys my husband has updated his blog. pls visit and do leave a comment ingay. This is his blog add ( Hope to see ur comments there... bye for now tc :D

Friday, 5 October 2007

Something For You

Hi sweet people, konmefaharakuves vara gina dhuvas kofa dho mi poste koleveny. Actually am so sad about it ingay. I really want to get in touch with you guys. Vara dherave comment nukurevaytheeves. Sorry guys ingay :(

During the last few days I was not feeling so well, I was having a cold, due to that I coughed a lot and it made me vomit everytime I take in food, Doctor said my Hemoglobin level was too low, I was truly so depressed to know tat it will affect the baby too. After taking the medicine for five days my coughing has turned a little bit okay. Ekam adhives ekko rangalhe nuvay..... hama rangalhuvumuge magumatheega hehehe.

Anyways, there is a happy news too, the Picture above is the 4D scan of my baby. Loabi dho nidhaalaafa oiylay. It's taken when the baby was 4 months 21 days old. Mihaaru kuriavure boduvaane , it's going to be 6 months on 9th October. Vara kick kuray mihaaru. So nice to feel the little cutie hehehe. Well tats it for today.... hehehe.... And yes, this pic is for everyone who really cared and always asked about the baby..... thank u guys for being so nice ;) .... Hope you all liked it :D tc guys.