Thursday, 17 May 2007

True Power of Photoshop

By watching this movie you can see the true power of photoshop. Just watch this movie, and post your thoughts about this. It seems that everything that we see on TV and magazines is FAKE.


Anonymous said...

Thats nothing compared to Dove's campaign for real beauty ad. Its very kewl. Here is the link for the video..

Azhan said...

hey babe, if u get fat and wanna get thin on photoshop do gimme a pic, i can do it for ya. u can also do it.. mostly u need to use the [smudge] tool, also cloning, healing brushes... and stuff,,,
PhotoShop is my favourite for raster graphics [photo] editing.

u might also wanna know about video editing stuff dho.. it'll look much kooler...



Anonymous said...

Cool Video Clip Aisha

iecco said...

HEylooooo Aishaa...

yaah mi models mee hama BODU FAKE EH!!
emeehun dhen maa reethivegen mi firihenunnah miulhenee... hmm..
nice clip ingay!!

Anonymous said...

Duhh, WOW..! The big lady is so small dho now..! Magic of photoshop..!

Hey you can slim down the big lady in the other post (This Is Also Love) dho?? And maybe THAT is FAKE of Photoshop too dho..!!

Aisha said...

@Vampire mv. ya sure i'll give u a pic. hehehe

@ Solitudinarian Narrator. Thanx dear for ur comment.

@ DarkAngeL. Ya firihrnun hiyjasan emyhuna kurevunu kame kure.

@ pixsie. Aan vedhaane. ppl are so brave in changing ppl luks.

manippulhu said...

hehehe.. heeheee hama halaaku vejje. . aisha kuraanee mikahala kanthah ingey!!! adhives hevenee ey mi .. !! fotoshop mee hama kuda hindhu kolhehge diet program eh tha? ehehehe