A Gift
Sorry I have been not well these days. Thats why I couldn't post.
As a matter of fact im expecting something, A gift of God, the most wonderful gift for two married couples... by now you must be guessing what is she talking about dho hehehe... but think hard... you will know.
Let me see who gets it correct hehehe..... its much more fun when u guess it ennu dho ;)
ur pregnant? :)
name the baby after me! hehehe. kidding kidding ;)
u r pregnant!!!!
salhi salhi =)
we will c baby pics in this blog aftr sum months dhoo :D
Congrats!! Name him if it's a boy Maail will u...Since it's ure favourite name and all ;D
yyyyyyeyyyY!! ur preg gurl!!! whoooo hoo!! yipppeee!!aslu neyge arshii mihaa hini annanee keeve kameh ekam im soo happy heehee :P hehehe
so happy for ya both!
are u gona check the sex of the baby btw? and wen are u due? let me know!!
congrats again!!!
@ Nass. Thanx a lot. Balaanan engay naasge nan kiyaytho. heheh, But i dont know the sex yet :D
@ Lil girl. Ya I am. heheh i will try to post the pic specially for u and my blog friends :D
@ Maail.hehehe I may call him Maail but lets check the sex dho :D
@ Darkangel. Vara ufaaave Angel ehaa ufaa veema :D feels like a close lil sis.Im Due on 15 January 08. Thanx a lot dear.
ooooooooooooh wow wow wow!!
alhe alhe... *out of words*
congrats aisha....
wonder when i'll get a baby... alheyyy loabikan dhen...
may god bless u... tc of urself...
neyge liyevun echehves dhen...heheh ekamves dhen bunaaanee congrats ey again!
U R PREGNANTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT :D:D:D:D aii kudakuda baby eh blogspot ah loabi inge... :D:D:D
wow congrats n hope u had a happy furute with ur chweet lil baby n hubby.. tc
may god bless u all
baby! :D congrats!! :D :D m happy for ya! :D tc!
congra... wish u all the best..
may god bless u n the baby..:)
congra ingey. take care. wish to c u r baby in this blog.
@ Forgiven.awwwww thanx dear :D thanx for the lovely comments sweety.It's the most wonderful feeling being pregnant.
@ LucifersAngel. yeah hehehe kuda kuda new babye blog a dho :D thanx for the lovely comment.
@ ~ange|~. Thanx dear for the sweet comment. I wish u a happy future too.
@ MT & St|nG & St|nG & Mulhadhevi. Thanx a lot for ur lovely comments :D
Mulhadhevi said.
CONGRATS!! how many months to go? may allah bless ur baby with a wonderful childhood....and also lets wish he/she wont keep u up that many a times. *whistle whistle*
@ kaiza shozey. Thanx a lot for ur sweet comments. Ya waking up in the middle of the night maybe very tough for me, but i will try to adjust :D
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