Tuesday, 20 March 2007

My Best Friend

Talking About Friendship, Having a Best Friend is one of the Greatest thing in the World, Cause While I had one I never felt lonely.There was always a time to tell the secrets, share opinion and ideas, and having fun. But I lost Everything.
The only Reason was we both met some other girl when we were in Grade 10. And things began to change from this point. I think the main reason was they had a lot in common like , hmmm.... much into boys and stay out late at night with different boyfriends. For me I had only one boy friend, and i hated people who flirts with every guy they met. So they started to hide their secrets to me and did not talk much , in fact they had their own girl talks . I complained about it. But it did not work, things got worst than before.And She did not talk to me until the final Exams.They did not give me a chance to talk about it. I don't know what this girl did to her to change her that much.
And then from that day onwards she took me as a friend.This girl out of no where ruined our friend ship. I really suffered alot of loosing my best friend. And till now i fear of having a best friend and also a close friend, cause i don't know what will happen next..... Am i thinking right or wrong......pls help me out.....


Shah said...

hey Aisha, dont think that way, its only going to hurt u.and dont give up, thereis always a way.And there will sumone out there who cud be very nice to u and mean alot to u.

s[u]jau said...

Yeah! Sometimes best friends just end up in worse than a freak. But rather m confused about how a person becomes a best friend of another. Do we have to share each and every idea that bubbles in our mind? Do we have to share each and every second of life just to be called someone as our best friend. M really fucked up with these so called best friends… I have also written something similar here on this topic.

Aisha said...

Yeah we dont have to to tell them evry thing happening in our life.but to some extent.cant share boyfriend stories with them dho heheheh.