Friday 9 November 2007

9 weeks to go

Hey Its 7 months (30 weeks) to my baby. Ive got 9 weeks more to deliver the baby... Isn't that cool :D

Baby is growing fast... Baby's Lungs and Digestive tract will be almost fully developed now...the Baby will be about 15.7 inches (40 cm) in lenth and will continue to gain weight until its due. During the Last week my baby will be able to hear and react to some sounds. This week the baby will continue to open and Shut its eyes. And can probably see what's going on in utero, distinguish light from dark and even track a light source. It is said that If you shine a bright light on your stomach, your baby may move his head to follow the light or even reach out to touch the moving glow... Salhi dho...And Finally the baby will now have eyebrows and eyelashes :D ... I'm so happy.

I have Bought the Baby Cot, It's lovely and Now I'm working In the Bed Sheets, blanket and pillows. It's Fun making it by my own hands just for the baby. Hope to post soon with some great news... Chao for now :D


LIL GIRL said...

loabi kan
hama coutin dayss to see the babyyy dho
u r makin everytin on ur own tha? i mean bedsheet n ol? salhi.. thts kewl! keep tem til the baby grows up.. n show it..

.mini said...

oh i didnt know that u are preg!
and make sure you update your blog with the lil tiny aisha's photo :P

iecco said...

alhey loabi kann!!!!!!!!
thats ya tummy dho!
aisha thikahala ehchehi liuneema i wanna become preg keke...
keep us updated!!!

Forgiven said...

yeah loabikannnnn!!....

i wanna get preg tooo ^.^

keep on updating ingey!! =D

zamaanakah fahu mi blog ah mi vadhevunee... vadhevun faharuves rangalhu vaguthakah dho :D

cheeeers!! tc of urself and the baby too ingey..

Anonymous said...

:) im so happy for you...*sigh* :) *hugs*

Tc of urself and babis ingey..

~ange|~ said...

sooo nice:D

N said...

aw! ^_^
sounds so exciting and fun :)
good luck and take care :D

Anonymous said...

mini thiulheynee kon dhuniyeh ga tha? us bloggers have been getting update of aisha's lil baby for months eyy :P

thats pretty cool that the baby follows the light when you shine on the tummy dho...nice fact that i didn't know of luck ingey aishaa...wish you and the baby all the best...and we expect baaaabyyy pictures as soon as your able to blog ;)

mode said...

Laa eee
vara loabi inghey

[da one & only mt] said...

ooooooh :) thats great! :) :D
interestin thing abt hte light O_O
hope to c more nice posts abt the baby :)

*dot said...

aisha!!! i'm back to bloggin :D

and OMG WOW!! 9 more weeks!! u have GOT to tell me when u deliver cos i want to cuddle the cute lil baby loabi loabi angel :D

and congratulations btw :D

manippulhu said...

asthaaa... 7 months ga haadhan tummmy kuda ey .. hehe :P hehe :D nice ncie ingey ..

Denekasrof said...

hey there aisha....this is great news...hmm...cant wait....heh...hope everything goes well...

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N said...

hey girl! was just wondering since theres no new post from u. guess u mus've delivered by now... hope u and ur baby are doing great :D

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